Paul Pfrang and Barbara Goodeill

Delegates should be members in good standing at HSCC.  HSCC’s Pastor and two delegates are eligible to vote at Katahdin Association Meetings (3 per year), the Maine Conference, and the UCC Annual Meeting (once per year, usually in October). In most cases, Delegates vote the wishes of their church at these meetings but may be called on to vote their conscience, if it is a controversial issue.   

Costs of Annual Meeting registration, housing, meals, and travel for the one day event are paid for by the church or Delegates may choose to absorb all or part of costs. 

The Katahdin Association usually meets in the Fall, Winter, and Spring and conducts any business which requires a vote. 

The term limits for Delegates is a bit “soft” right now but probably should be established and followed, so that all interested members might have a chance to become more involved in and learn more about both the Association and the Maine Conference, UCC.

This job is all about the wider church community and the people who, like ourselves, believe in the mission and polity of the United Church of Christ and to know that HSCC is part of a larger church with same beliefs and the desire to continue to spread the joyful news of the Gospel. It is wonderful to meet and worship with laity and clergy from around the state at Annual Meeting and to join with other churches and congregations within the 3 county (Penobscot, Piscataquis, and Aroostook) Katahdin Association. With the responsibility comes the joy of serving with many others who believe that “God Is Still Speaking.”