The Moderator appoints the Nominating Committee, typically three members, but there isn’t a minimum or maximum. This committee is responsible for filling the slate of Standing Committees for the Church Council. Standing Committees are Trustees, Diaconate, Christian Education, Christian Outreach, and Stewardship. The size of each committee varies depending on the By-Laws of the Church. In addition, the Nominating Committee provides recommendations for Moderator, Clerk, Treasurer, Collectors, Members at Large, and Delegates as terms or term limits are met or a vacancy occurs.
This process usually takes place in the fall, about the same time as the Stewardship Program is being presented. Our goal is to have a complete list or slate of names to be presented at the Annual Meeting held on the third Sunday of January. This is not an easy task and has been known to change even at the last minute!
At times, during the year, vacancies may occur on one or more committees. The Nominating Committee assists with filling these vacancies as they come up.
A common practice for filling Standing Committees was to select those members with several years of experience within the church. This certainly made sense when members had a great deal of knowledge of the congregation and other committees. However, in recent years, new members have also been asked to serve on these committees. This has been rewarding for everyone as our new members have brought fresh, new ideas, as well as getting new members involved with the inner workings of our church. Talk about a Win-Win!
The reward for serving on this committee is to be able to present a complete list of names at the Annual Meeting that completes all committees with those who will provide the guidance and decision-making for HSCC.