Chair: Rachel Hutchins
Each year the Stewardship Committee (nine church members) is responsible for raising funds to cover our Operating Budget, Outreach Committee, and Building Fund for the upcoming year.
The committee typically begins monthly meetings in the spring, reviewing what went well and what might need to change from last campaign, and they brainstorm a new campaign. By summer, the committee selects a theme and decides on a format for educating the membership, not only the need for pledging, but also the needs of the Trustees (Operating Budget) and Outreach Committee.
Three Sundays in mid-to-late October are set aside for their informative presentations. The theme and budget goals are announced. In early November on Consecration Sunday, member pledges are received and consecrated for the next year. Following this worship service, the committee holds a “Thank You” luncheon in lieu of the usual fellowship time.
Committee members follow up with those church members who have not submitted pledges in the ensuing weeks. Totals are compiled and provided to the Trustees and Outreach Committee. This information is the base for their budgets, which will be presented for adoption at our Annual Meeting.
Over the years, members have really enjoyed serving, planning, and presenting creative, presentations. Their enthusiasm truly puts the fun in fundraising.
For those who want to go beyond pledging, click here for information on planned giving.