Clothing & Toiletries
- Distribution of coats, sweaters, hats, etc during cold months
- Indoor yard sale
- Winter Warmth tree (new hats, socks, mittens, etc.)
- Annual collection of toiletries for distribution to homeless shelter
- Food cupboard support and housing
- Free bean luncheon
- Volunteer at Good Shepherd Food Bank sorting and packing
Kairos Prison Ministry
- Support and volunteers for in-prison weekend
- Monthly reunion with incarcerated participants
- Support and participation in the annual Pride Week activities–including Quorship, the Pride Parade, and Pride Sunday
- Everyday welcome to our ONA (Open and Affirming) community
- Concerts open to public
- Education of young singers and bell chime ringers
- Worship service enhancement
- Circle of dedicated volunteers who pray for those both in and out of church family upon request