Our commitment to help those with food insecurity is expressed in several ways.

We fully support the mission of the Bangor Food Pantry and both monetary and physical donations.  Click here for more information.

The first Saturday of each month, a changing roster of volunteers—some first time helpers and some with more than a decade of commitment—prepare, serve, and clean up at the Free Bean Luncheon.  Click here for more information.

The third Monday of each month, volunteers prepare and serve a meal for 40 people at the Bangor Area Homeless Shelter.  Food is generally prepared in the church kitchen and two or three people serve from the Shelter’s kitchen.  All clean up is done by shelter occupants.  Those who have served often come back feeling they received more than they gave.  Diners not only offer a grateful thank you but frequently bless us for the meal and our service.  We come away with renewed gratitude for God’s blessings in our own lives.

We also volunteer our Outreach Service Project of helping the Good Shepherd Food Bank sort and box produce for distribution to local food cupboards, like the one located in our church.  Volunteers, who work a three hour shift, may leave tired but also buoyed with shared laughter and closer friendships.